Thursday, August 10, 2006

Geodatabases in 9.2

Update: NO more spatial domains having to be set beforeheand. With new high precision storage, that won't be necessrary.

Geodatabases now will also suport vertical references.

Spatial grids for quicker drawing are now automatically recalculated.

ECW images are supported.

RASTER ATTRIBUTE TABLES! (It's about time, 15 years later). Add attribute tables to GRID, SDE Rasters, TIFF, etc.)

"Image Pansharpening" is possible and orthorectification on the fly. (Lisa?)

Editing of versioned or non verisoned SDE data now possible.

Insert shapes DIRECTLY into SQL SERVER using SQL commands, instead of having to go trhough ArcMap, etc.

ARCHIVE on geodatabases to quickly view how FC's looked at a specific point in time.

Disconnected editing has more options

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

More 9.2 Notes...

ARCPAD: Snapping now possible (they said that you cannot currenlty). This is ArcPad 7

File Geodatabase: Much faster. The demo seemed to verify this, and the figure they gave was 20% to 10 times faster, especially on large datasets, and rasters.

PDF (this is cool) FILES: You can set up "layers" within PDF files that the end reader can turn off. So you could create a PDF file where the readers can turn off the pipelines, etc.

I'm still confused about licensing, but it sounds now like we might get an at least basic version of ArcServer at 9.2 for free with maintenance (because of our ArcIMS license) I'm glad we did not pay 30K for one already! It comes with a default "web map", similar to ArcIMS Author, for easily creating sites without programming.

ArcGIS Explorer (i.e. Google Earth) easily reads ArcServer services. You can also add in"tasks" ,ie toolbar and model commands, for use and running on the web. It can also integrate in other services simultaneously, i.e. ArcIMS, ArcWeb Services, Google KML, etc. It appears cooler than Google Earth.

ArcServer services and administration APPEARS to be much easier than ArcIMS

GEODATABASE archiving looks really cool, being able to query a GDB back to specific time. I wonder how huge the files get, though. This could be very valuable in certain projects where we get data changing all the time, but then have to go back to oldi nformation!

More Geostatistical tools have been added in 9.2

More Map Animation functions right in basic desktop (demo was very cool)

More ArcGIS 9.2 Enhancements....

They've been busy with 9.2 Desktop, with a lot of "little" enhancements that look like they would make the software easier to use:

* If you have another tool in use (select, ID, etc.) and want to zoom, you can use the Z key to temporarily switch to "zoom in", X to zoom out, and then return to your other tool.


* Middle mouse button will pan, roller on the mouse will be zoom out/in like in CAD

* You can set a maximum map extent to prevent against zooming way out by accident (similar to ArcIMS)

* right-click mouse for a quick Identify, without having to switch to the "i" tool

* You can do more with the identify window, sort field in it, remove fields, sort records, and copy details from the window to the clipboard

* Identify you can also drag a box like a select, you aren't restricted to just single click anymore

* Table improvements: Change column and row widths like Excel, and PRINT tables direclty without going to a report.

* FINALLY, you can calculate area and length directly, without having to write that little script

* EXCEL files can be directly loaded into ArcMap

* You can supposedly (they didn't show it) switch license from ArcView, ArcEditor, etc. right in the software without having to close and reopen

* CAD Symbology comes in much closer to how it looks in AutoCAD

* Double clicking a table row highlights the feature still, but also zooms to it.

* Most geoprocessing commands now have a "batch" option

* Go to XY Dialog is new, for going to an exact point (with an option of entering coordinates in multiple projections)

* ECW Image support

ArcGIS Server

There are very few sessions on ArcIMS. It's time to start to think about moving .....

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Single user applications, incl. with ArcEditor/Info
3 users, one of which can be editing
SQL Server 2005 Express inc.


ENTERPRISE SDE: Like we already have

Easy to deply, simple install, preset database configuration
East to use: browse and administer from ArcCatalog, WINDOWS AUTHENTICATION

ArcCatalog: Add remove users, pause, start stop server, manager geodtabases from Catalog.

Demo showed starting a geodatabase in SQL Express using ArcCatalog


New Geodatabase format at 9.2
-higher performace (demo showed this)
- less memory
-Supports FULL geodatabase information model (features, annotation, relationships, networks, topology, raster, terrain)
- Single user editing model, similar to personal geodb (access)
- "standard" format, and read-only compressed format

-no size limit (Access has 2GB limit)
- works on additonal oerpating systems

High performace 20% to 10 times faster than Access
Difference is more dramatic with larger files
Close to performance of a shapefile

Large raster datasets possible (similar to how rasters are stored in ArcSDE)

Storage Limit: (1TB per each table), can be extended to 256TB (huge!) if needed "use configuration keyword"

Some data takes up much less space than access or shapefiles. Sometimes 20% of the size of previous files. Usually 50-75% of the space

COMPRESSED FORMAT: Read only. Query and Display just as fast. 2:1 to 25:1 compression ratios.
Use geoprocessing tools to compress.

File GDB has ".gdb" extension

More Arc Stuff

ArcIMS licenses will receive a standard ArcGIS Server license. The new license schemes involving ArcIMS, ArcGIS Server, and ArcSDE are VERY confusing. it is going to take awhile to sort that out! One of the lectures said to ask an ESRI rep about it "out at a bar after they've been drinking!"

File Geodatabases look much quicker than personal. They woill NOT be readable with 9.1 though
Chris Albert and Kevin Gray say hello to everyone! Also Phil Mogavero, and Matt Dorsey, and Graham are here. Not too many others from Buffalo .....

ArcGIS 9.2 Geodatabase

I have some more notes back at the hotel that I will post tonight or tomorrow!

9.2 is expected around october by the way, not as soon as I had hoped. They've been busy, it really looks like they've added some cool stuff.

* Cadastral data workflow (parcel editing) will automatically be in 9.2 GeoDB in one of the first Service Packs

* NO more having to set spatial domain - high precision coordinates will elimintate that headache.

* File based Geodatabase system was demonstrated

* Ability to manage massive sets of measurements (lidar, images, etc.)

* Personal and Workgroupd ArcSDE

PERSONAL ARCSDE: INCLUDED with ArcEditor/Info, 3 users at a time, 1 editor

WORKGROUP ARCSDE: Part of Workgroup ArcSDE Server (more like current). Any number of users

Personal: 1 GB RAM max, one socket (dual core processor), only 4GB per geodatabase limit.

Both now include SQL Server Express

With the "Data Operability Extension" (uses FME), AutoCAD users can edit Geodatabase right in AutoCAD!

* Geodatabases will also have the ability to store a "history" of when each record was editied (Need to find out more about this). This adds quite a bit to the size but could be valulable...

Monday, August 07, 2006

Jack's Talk

ArcGIS Image Server will be a part of ArcGIS Server, to allow fast storage and retrieval of large image sets (an answer to Google Earth certainly)

Jack's Talk

COGO Contrusction tools are in the standard product.
More cartography tools (more on this in a session tomorrow)
cartographic generalization tools

Carto 9.2 demo:
* You can add marker symbols as control points on a line, and for this (or complex lines like railroads, force a "mark" at vertex points on the bending line
* Cartographic finishing Tools:
* You can update symbology for INDIVIDUAL symbols. There's a new "Representation" toolbar.
* You can move cartographic representations of lines in ArcMap (move a line further from another to distinguish them if they are close) without affecting the actual shape.

ArcGIS 9.2

ArcGIS 9.2 has "1000 less bugs" than 9.1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Special Achievement Award!

There's a huge poster in the lobby showing the locations of the "Special Achievement Award" winners, and E&E is on there! I don't have my camera, but I'll have Rachel snap a photo.

This blog should allow comments now, if anyone has any questions! I am in the Plenery session now, it is just starting. I just had to stand up because of our award, Jack just acknowledge the award winners (250)

Monday, July 31, 2006


Test Blog: Exciting GIS stuff to follow!