Tuesday, August 08, 2006

ArcGIS 9.2 Geodatabase

I have some more notes back at the hotel that I will post tonight or tomorrow!

9.2 is expected around october by the way, not as soon as I had hoped. They've been busy, it really looks like they've added some cool stuff.

* Cadastral data workflow (parcel editing) will automatically be in 9.2 GeoDB in one of the first Service Packs

* NO more having to set spatial domain - high precision coordinates will elimintate that headache.

* File based Geodatabase system was demonstrated

* Ability to manage massive sets of measurements (lidar, images, etc.)

* Personal and Workgroupd ArcSDE

PERSONAL ARCSDE: INCLUDED with ArcEditor/Info, 3 users at a time, 1 editor

WORKGROUP ARCSDE: Part of Workgroup ArcSDE Server (more like current). Any number of users

Personal: 1 GB RAM max, one socket (dual core processor), only 4GB per geodatabase limit.

Both now include SQL Server Express

With the "Data Operability Extension" (uses FME), AutoCAD users can edit Geodatabase right in AutoCAD!

* Geodatabases will also have the ability to store a "history" of when each record was editied (Need to find out more about this). This adds quite a bit to the size but could be valulable...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you say "history"??